Our Services
As a practice we are proud of the complete range of services that we can offer our patients. Below is a list of what we can offer. For more information just click on the links which will give much more detailed information.
Minor Injuries
As a practice we offer the service of managing minor injuries between 8 am and 6 pm. If you or friends and family were to have an accident we could be able to sort out at the practice rather, than having to go in to the Royal Devon and Exeter hospital. This may include minor head injuries, soft tissue injuries (tendon and muscle sprains) lacerations and wounds, minor burns. We do not have access to X ray on site and so if this is required an onward referral would be made.
To ensure you are directed to the best service for your needs, we suggest phoning to speak to the reception team. We may need a doctor or nurse to call you back to triage where best to deal with your medical need to avoid unnecessary journeys or delays.
Chronic Disease Management
We run a robust recall system for our chronic disease management. We run clinic for all cardiovascular disease, asthma, chronic lung disease and diabetes. Please follow the links below for more information.
Investigations, Blood Tests and Healthchecks
Our healthcare team is able to perform a wide range of diagnostic investigations at the surgery. Please follow the link below for more information.
► Blood tests, health checks and other investigations
Immunisations and Vaccinations
Our nursing team carry out the full range of childhood and adult immunisations and vaccines, including a yearly seasonal influenza vaccination program. Please follow the links below for more information.
Pregnancy from Preconception to Postnatal Care
We provide all aspects of maternity care. This includes pre-conceptual advice provided by the Doctors at regular surgeries. Ante-natal Clinics by appointment with Sam, one of the Midwives, are held by appointment each week at Cheriton Bishop on a Wednesday afternoon. The midwives will also advise on Parent-craft classes, home deliveries and post-natal care including Shape-up group and Breast Feeding support group. Both midwives are based at Okehampton Hospital – Tel. 01837 658013. Following birth, the Health Visiting team will offer post natal information and advice up until 5 years old.
Women's and Men's Health
For women
- Cervical screening
- Routine breast screening
- Contraception and Family Planning
- Emergency Contraception (including that for under 16’s!)
- Bowel screening
Please follow this link for full information:
For Men
- Bowel screening
- Male health check
- Prostate check
- Sexual health check
- Erectile dysfunction
Please follow the following link for further information:
Health Visitor
The Health Visiting team look after the holistic care of families with children from 0-5 years of age. Full details can be found at the link below.
Community Nurses
The community nursing team will visit patients confined to their own homes who need nursing assistance. You can contact the district nurses on 01647 24272.
Physiotherapy is available to all our patients with our practice affiliated physio. Referral is made either through the doctors or via self referral.
Services for Young People
We offer all the range of GP services to young people. As well as dealing with any medical issues, we can also help with things like contraception advice, advice about diet and food issues and a change to talk to someone if you are finding things tough at the moment. Please follow the link below for more information.
Our nurses run a comprehensive travel advice and immunisation service.
► Travel Advice & Vaccinations
Minor Surgery and Injection
Dr Hayter and Dr Pouncey are able to offer a range of musculoskeletal injections if clinically appropriate, assessment for removal of minor lumps and bumps and cryotherapy for benign skin lesions. Please book directly for an assessment.
Talkworks Counselling
We are pleased to host clinic for this invaluable counselling/therapy service. It is aimed to improve the mental health of people with depression and anxiety. They encourage self-referral or referral from any health professional. There are leaflets in the receptions and with all the practice health professionals. The telephone number is: 0300 555 3344.
Carer Healthchecks
We recognise the hidden burden of caring for other people. We try to keep as much information around this as possible and offer health-checks for any carer. Please follow this link for more information:
Podiatry and Toe-nail Clipping
We are pleased to offer a referral system to a podiatry clinic which aims to look after the foot care of medically ‘at risk’ feet. Please ask your GP for details.
Medical Examinations
These can be arranged through the Receptionist and there will be a charge.
Charges for any non NHS requests are displayed in Reception.
Fitness for Work Certificate
If you are off work sick for seven days or less, your employer should not ask for medical evidence that you have been ill. You can complete a Self-Certification Form (SC1). This can be picked up from reception or a post office.
If you are off work sick for more than seven days, your employer will usually ask you to provide evidence or proof that you have been ill. They will normally ask for a fit note from your GP. Fit note is the informal name for the Statement of Fitness for Work. Fit notes replaced sick notes from 6 April 2010.
The seven days include days that you do not normally work. So when you work out how long you have been off sick, you should include weekends and bank holidays.
Disease Protection
In this rural area, we would recommend everyone to be up to date with tetanus protection. We frequently give a polio booster in association with this. The procedure for tetanus protection has however changed recently and the time interval for adults increased to 10 years. Because of your occupation, you may benefit from protection from Hepatitis B. We also advise immunisation from Pneumonia and an annual influenza immunisation if you are aged over 65 or at risk because of chronic illness. IF YOU ARE IN DOUBT – PLEASE ASK
Primary Care Network
Over recent years local GP surgeries have been working collaboratively as part of a Primary care network. We are linked to the North Dartmoor group. Part of the initiative is to support additional roles within the primary care team. We wanted to make you aware of what additional services you can now access.
1. Pharmacist - Ann Smith is with us every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and available for appointments to review medication and deal with queries. She will be supporting us with reviews and quality improvement work. (Direct Access)
2. First contact physio - (David and Joanne) We have Monday and Tuesday in house physios based in Cheriton Bishop. You are now able to get rapid assessment of musculoskeletal issues and onward investigations. (Direct Access)
3. Child and Adolescent Mental Health - Clare provides face to face support for young people. This would be after a referral from the GP.
4. Dietician - Cathy is here one Monday a month and provides practical and personal advice on nutrition and diet
Any feedback around these services are gratefully received.