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Cheriton Bishop and Teign Valley Practice

The Surgery, Yeoford Road, Cheriton Bishop, EX6 6JA

Branch Surgery - The Surgery, Layne Fields, Christow, EX6 7NY

tel: 01647 24272


Asthma and COPD

This clinic is run by our practice nurses. We run an active recall system and so you should be called for a yearly review of your condition appointments should be made yearly for asthmatic/COPD patients to be monitored with their treatment, inhaler techniques and help with understanding of the control of lung problems.

Please don't forget that it is recommended for all people no matter how young or old to have the influenza vaccination.

For further information please click on any of the links below:

► Asthma

► Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)