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Cheriton Bishop and Teign Valley Practice

The Surgery, Yeoford Road, Cheriton Bishop, EX6 6JA

Branch Surgery - The Surgery, Layne Fields, Christow, EX6 7NY

tel: 01647 24272


Services for Young People

We offer all the range of GP services to young people. As well as dealing with any medical issues, we can also help with things like contraception advice, advice about diet and food issues and a chance to talk to someone if you are finding things tough at the moment.

Do I have to bring an adult with me to see the doctor?

No you do not. If you are under 16 it is usually best to come with an adult, but we are happy to see young people on their own if you would prefer. Sometimes if you come with an adult we might ask them to wait outside for part of the appointment, so you have a chance to talk without them there.

What about confidentiality?

Like all doctors, we treat this very seriously and anything you say to the doctor is strictly between you and will not be passed on to your parents. This includes matters such as smoking, drinking and sexual issues. The only, very rare exception to this would be if we felt that your life, or the life of another person was seriously in danger if we did not tell someone. This is the same for adults.

Can I go anywhere else for health or contraception advice?

Yes. There are other clinics which are freely available for young people and where you can go without your doctor being involved at all. These clinics are for Family Planning (contraception) and Sexual Health (advice concerning sexually transmitted diseases). Follow the links below for more information.

Sexual Disease Information

Chlamydia Screening

This common sexually transmitted disease often causes no symptoms even with the absence of symptoms you may be carrying it. Therefore if you are sexually active between the ages of 16-25, we offer a test you can do at home, to check whether you have caught chlamydia.

A self testing kit can be picked up at reception or you may wish to discuss this with a GP or nurse.